Senin, 23 Maret 2009

About Pagerank

| Senin, 23 Maret 2009 | 0 komentar

PageRank is a patented algorithm that has a working web site determine which is more important / popular.
PageRank is one of the main features of the Google search engine and was created by the founders, Larry Page and Sergey Brin is a Ph.D. student Stanford University.
A site will be more popular if more laying other sites that link that leads to the site, with the assumption that the content / site content is more useful from the content / content of other sites.
PageRank is calculated with a scale of 1-10.
Example: A site that will have a PageRank of 9 Sort list first in a Google search of the site have a PageRank of 8 and then the next smaller.

How many search engines use in determining the quality / ranking of a web page, from the use META Tags, the contents of the document, the emphasis on content and many other techniques or combination of techniques that may be used.
Link popularity, a technology developed to improve the lack of other technology (Meta Keywords, Meta Description), which can dicurangi with a special page designed for search engines is called regular or doorway pages.
With the algorithm 'PageRank' is, in each page will be inbound link (incoming link) and outbound links (links keuar) from each web page.
From the approach that has been described in the article the concept of PageRank, Lawrence Page and Sergey Brin created the PageRank algorithm as below:

Algorithm initial PR (A) = (1-d) + d ((PR (T1) / C (T1)) + ... + (PR (Tn) / C (Tn)))

One of the other published alogtima PR (A) = (1-d) / N + d ((PR (T1) / C (T1)) + ... + (PR (Tn) / C (Tn)))
* PR (A) A page is the PageRank
* PR (T1) is the PageRank of page T1 refers to page A
* C (T1) is the number of outbound links (outbound links) on page T1
* D is the proximity factor can be between 0 and 1.
* N is the overall number of web pages (which terindex by google)

Of our algorithm above can be seen that the PageRank for every page of your site is not the entire web.
PageRank of a page's PageRank is the page that refers to him, which is also undergoing the process of determining the PageRank in the same way, so this process will be repeated until the exact results found.
Akan A page's PageRank but not given directly to the page that, but the previously divided by the number of links in the page T1 (outbound link), and PageRank will be divided evenly to each link in the page.
Likewise with every other page "Tn" which refers to the "A".
After all that the PageRank of pages that refer to the "A" note, the value is then multiplied by the proximity factor value between 0 and 1.
This is not to the overall value of Q distributed PageRank page to page A.
And pagerank is very important for you if you want begin the online business.

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